
Echh what a miserable and sick 24 hours that purge was. Foolishly I tried Hulda Clarke's Epsom-salts method, not understanding what Epsom salts, intended here to be used by non-fasting people, actually can do to a body. I should have realized that, after my three days' fasting, Epsom salts would be a violence to my body - and was it ever. I swallowed my two doses Friday evening at 8 and at 10. It began scouring my innards immediately, and by midnight I was a weak and dehydrated and heart-pounding mess, heart pounding all the sleepless night as I tried to lie flat and still (fat chance! running to the toilet every 15 minutes) and let the olive oil do its work on my gall bladder - which it did, I suppose - as before, all my right-side discomfort is gone like a miracle - but I was feeble and sick afterward and empty for sure. Gradually yesterday I returned to normal as I ate wonderful food and drank blessed water. No more Epsom salts for me! My gentle, effective apples & olive oil will suffice for my monthly cleanses after this.

Still windy but cool here now, and cold nights. Early Saturday - maybe 5 a.m. - as I writhed in wakeful tachycardic misery in my little trailer, a powerful rainstorm swept through and pounded the roof tin, winds rocking Sylvia and us inside her (catGreta, dogApple), & delightful healing din of whitenoise water and fitful air. Everything is clean again now. Summer heat is due back next weekend (it will be July, after all) but I'll be ready for it this time, and won't complain. Maybe.