
I have still a few minutes before I head in to the Big House. Heat finally hit. High 90s F and dry wind. I give thanks for flat-rate water, although the succulants wither and brown, sunblasted, despite wet roots.

I typed up a yellowing sheaf of old scrawled poems on my Skyriter manual, and then reworked them in ink, as of olde. It's satisfying. My only computer burned up somehow over the weekend so I can't do fancy Office editing. I like seeing the sheets pile up on the desk and the close lines of fuzzy black Courier type all scratched and scribbled on.

The afternoon's wind pounds and rocks poor Sylvia. The little AC hums along coolly. DogApple and catGreta are happy to nap here.


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I can't imagine where you get typewriter ribbons for your manual now. I used one exclusively until about 1987, which still amazes me when I think of it. It was a Royal my grandmother had purchased in the 50's. Before that I used my faithful little black Royal from the 30's, which had belonged to Dad. I hope they've found happy homes with a writer like you.

    1. The old machines are fun but my favortie ones need repair, and where do I find that? I hadn't looked for ribbon for years but then impulsively did an Amazon search - sure enough, some guy in Oregon is dealing in them. Got several.
