
Just received a little (11 x 5-inch) keyboard in the mail. It pairs with my smartphone (in my case iPhone) wirelessly and lets me use it as a word processor.

At this point computers, for me, are officially redundant.

In this one little device I have radio, TV, DVD player, newspapers, magazines, books, phone, camera, video camera, voice recorder, music editor, stereo, calendar, clocks, web access, research library, post office, gadgets such as levels and plumb bobs, tarot decks, meditation aids, yoga timer, dream interpretation references, I Ching coins and book, shopping mall, bank, bill pay software for all household utilities and insurances, blogger-tweeter-pinner-poster—I'm exhausted just thinking about it.

Permaculture apps and resources, political action connectivity ... I will not feel guilt about this. Come the apocalypse I am fully prepared to forage and scrounge to survive, but until then this single tiny device replaces so many electronics units and libraries and tools that I can't help but consider it the environmental savior of the planet. Absurd as that sounds. But really, if it cuts electronics consumption by 90%, isn't that what it is?

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